The DIASA-Ex study
Primary investigator: Sindre Lee-Ødegård
The DIASA Research Programme
Primary investigator: Kåre I. Birkeland
Diabetes Virus Detection Study (DiViD)
Primary investigator: Knut Dahl-Jørgensen
DiViDInt: Diabetes Virus detection and Intervention Trial
Primary investigators: Knut Dahl-Jørgensen and Lars Krogvold
The MyoGlu-study
A controlled, intervention study of high-intensive exercise training in subjects with abnormal glucose tolerance and controls
Primary investigator: Kåre I. Birkeland
Eating Disorders and Diabetes
Primary investigator: Line Wisting
Early nutrition and risk of islet autoimmunity and type 1 diabetes
Primary investigator: Torild Skrivarhaug
Fertility in diabetes and prediabetes in Norway
Primary investigator: Elisabeth Qvigstad
Metabolomic profiling of hyperglycemic clamp in humans
Primary investigator: Per M. Thorsby
Tmem27- marker for ß-cell mass
Primary investigator: Per M. Thorsby
Prevention of atherosclerosis
Primary investigator: Martin Heier
HDL function in diabetes
Primary investigator: Martin Heier
The POSDIT study
Population-based studies of social inequalities of diabetes diagnosis, incidence, mortality and treatment
Primary investigator: Elisabeth Qvigstad
The 4B study
Effects of bariatric surgery on bone, bone marrow fat and glucose metabolism in subjects with and without type 2 diabetes and morbid obesity
Primary investigator: Hanne Løvdal Gulseth
The HUNT for HF Risk Score
Primary investigator: Anne Pernille Ofstad
Functional studies of thymus and T cells with relation to autoimmunity
Primary investigator: Benedicte A. Lie
The role of immune cell receptors in disease
Primary investigator: Marte K. Viken
Extracellular matrix and diabetic nephropathy
Primary investigator: Svein Olav Kolset
Development of beta cell replacement therapy for type 1 diabetes
Primary investigator: Hanne Scholz
ABINO: Artificial Biomimetic systems – the Niche of Islet Organoids
Primary investigator: Hanne Scholz
The STORK-Groruddalen cohort study (STORK G-1 and STORK G-2)
Primary investigator: Anne Karen Jenum
Prediction of gestational diabetes from four Norwegian studies (PreGeDiab4N)
Primary investigator: Line Sletner
Women and the risk of type 2 diabetes
Primary investigator: Christin Waage
The Norwegian Childhood Diabetes Registry (NCDR) and Biobank
Primary investigator: Torild Skrivarhaug
The Use of Insulin Pumps (CSII) and Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM): Does it Make a Difference?
Data from the Norwegian Childhood Diabetes Registry (NCDR).
Primary investigator: Torild Skrivarhaug
HEDIMED: Human Exposomic Determinants of Immune Mediated Diseases
Primary investigator: Lars Christian Stene (Norwegian site; the consortium coordinator/PI is Heikki Hyöty; Tampere)
Outcomes & Multi-morbidity In Type 2 diabetes (OMIT) – a national registry-based observational cohort with focus on care and treatment of key high-risk groups in Norway
Primary investigator: Esben Selmer Buhl
Magnesium and Calcification index (T50) in renal transplant recipients
Primary investigator: Trond Geir Jenssen
SGLT2 inhibition as renoprotective treatment in kidney transplant recipients
Primary investigator: Trond Geir Jenssen
What is the long-term outcome of single pancreas vs. combined pancreas-kidney transplantation?
Primary investigator: Trond Geir Jenssen
DiAchieve - an e-health lifestyle program for improved self-management, prevention and remission of type 2 diabetes
Primary investigator: Anne-Marie Aas
Treat new onset of type 1 diabetes by decidual stromal cells - Establish rationale for a clinical phase I/II trial
Primary investigator: Hanne Scholz