The STORK-Groruddalen cohort study
(STORK G-1 and STORK G-2)
A worrisome prevalence of diabetes in minority women in Norway
To investigates the role of ethnicity and a range of exposures on maternal health and offspring growth
Population-based cohort of pregnant women (823, 59% ethnic minorities), collected 2008 – 2011 in gestational week (GW) 14, 28 and 14 weeks postpartum about a range of health issues, by questionnaires, physical measurements including anthropometry, objectively reported data on physical activity and fasting blood samples at all 3 visits, and from delivery. All women were offered an OGTT in GW 28.
Fathers: Questionnaire data. Offspring: Repeated ultrasound growth data from pregnancy, detailed anthropometrics from birth and routine growth data up to 5 years.
News from 2020:
Toftemo submitted her thesis in 2020. In addition to the previous about 45 papers, we have published four more papers in 2020 using the STORK G data. Follow-up of women after 11 years is ongoing.