Lars Christian Stene
Position: Senior Researcher
Place of work: Norwegian Insitute of Public Health
E-mail: lars.christian.stene@fhi.no
Phone: +47 21078176
Current research focus
Risk factors for type 1 diabetes using epidemiological approaches, including studies of infectious, dietary and other environmental factors, and potential gene-environment interactions. The major studies I am currently involved in include (https://www.fhi.no/en/about/departments-and-centres/chronic-diseases-and-ageing/lars-christian-morch-stene/):
The PAGE study (Prediction of Autoimmune diabetes and celiac disease in childhood by Genes and perinatal Environment): Studies of risk factors for type 1 diabetes and for celiac disease in The Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort (MOBA) linked to the childhood diabetes registry
The MIDIA-study (longitudinal study of genetically susceptible children in Norway.
“Toxoplasmosis study”: Sera from 30 000 pregnant women linked to diabetes registry to identify women whose children later developed type 1 diabetes (about 120 cases plus controls selected for biomarker studies, dietary and infectious, see e.g. Sørensen et al. Diabetes 2012).
Case-control study: Environmental factors and type 1 diabetes (gene – environment interactions, major established genetic factors)
Registry linkage Medical Birth Registry of Norway with diabetes registry (perinatal factors, maternal age at birth, etc.)