The HUNT for Heart Failure Risk Score

Strategies to improve early detection and enable early treatment of heart failure (HF)
are urgently needed. Currently no risk score for utilization in a general population is available for
regular use. We aimed to develop such a tool to predict the 10-year risk for incident HF.

Participants in the third wave (2006-08) of the Trøndelag Health Study (HUNT3) were
included if they reported no known HF at baseline. In case of hospital diagnoses during follow-up of
either heart failure, cardiomyopathy or hypertensive heart disease the medical records were
reviewed and HF events validated according to the ESC 2016 guideline.

We identified 12 clinical variables that independently predicted 10-year HF risk. This could be translated to a practical, online risk score which can be used for HF risk assessment in general practice.

News 2022:
Analyses for the main risk score finalized and article submitted and rejected. Revised for new submission.

Primary Investigators: Anne Pernille Ofstad (Bærum Sykehus, Boehringer Ingelheim)
Co-primary: Håvard Dalen (NTNU, St Olavs)

Lars Gullestad (OUS-RH)
Lars Erik Laugsand (St Olavs)
Bjørn Mørkedal (Sykehuset i Vestfold)
Cathrine Brunborg (OUS)
Morten W. Fagerland (OUS)

External collaborators: 
Boehringer Ingelheim