Vision - Oslo Diabetes Research Centre
To prevent and treat diabetes and its complications so nobody will have their lives shortened or their life quality affected.
To make a significant contribution to knowledge of the aetiology, pathogeneses, treatment and prevention of type 1 and type 2 diabetes through basic and applied research and apply this knowledge to the benefit of the population.
Senior scientist Lars Christian Stene
Stian Frammarsvik
Steering Comittee
About Oslo Diabetes Research Centre
Oslo Diabetes Research Centre is a structured collaboration between researchers affiliated with University of Oslo, Oslo University Hospital and National Institute of Public Health.
Aker and Ullevål Diabetes Research Fund
The fund will contribute to scientific research and development relating to diabetes at Oslo Diabetes Research Centre.
Historical background
The Research Centre started as Aker Diabetes Research Centre by New Year 1990. Aker University Hospital has a proud history in Endocrinology and Diabetes.
An anonymous endowment of NOK 1 000 000 made Aker Diabetes Research Fund possible in 1989. Additional donations came from the Norwegian Diabetes Association, Novo Nordisk Pharma and Sev. Dahl Insurance.
The Centre was officially opened March 27 th 1990 by Minister of Health and Social Affairs Wenche Frogn Sellæg. Dr. Hillary King from WHO in Geneva gave the key note speech: “Epidemiology of Diabetes. Why is research in Scandinavia so important?”
The Centre was planned by Knut Dahl-Jørgensen, Kristian F. Hanssen and Øystein Aagenæs. Knut Dahl-Jørgensen was chairman of the centre until 1998. Then Kristian F. Hanssen became chairman and in 2019 Kåre I. Birkeland became chairman.
The Board of the centre included people from the Pediatric Department (Øystein Aagenæs, Knut Dahl-Jørgensen), the Hormone Laboratory (Nils Norman, Egil Haug), the Medical Department (Harald Frey, Kristian F. Hanssen) and from the administration of the hospital.
The centre changed name to Aker and Ullevål Diabetes Research Centre when the Pediatric department moved to Ullevål University Hospital in 1999.
When the three University Hospitals merged in 2009, the name changed to Oslo Diabetes Research Centre.
The centre has expanded throughout the years and comprised 10 research groups at the end of 2019. In 2020 the organization was somewhat re-organized; a steering committee and the chair were elected for a three-year term. The research was organized in projects with Primary Investigators who relate to their Research Groups at the different institutions where they have their main affiliations.