Live enteroviruses, but not other viruses, detected in human pancreas at the onset of type 1 diabetes in the DiViD study

The team behind the DiViD study previously reported the presence of enterovirus (EV) genome and proteins in pancreatic sections from six live newly diagnosed patients with type 1 diabetes. In this issue, Krogvold et al ( confirm the presence of EVs and also demonstrate that no other common human viruses are present in the pancreases of the six DiViD cases.

The authors demonstrate that the EV strains detected represent live infectious viruses capable of establishing a persistent pancreatic infection. As previously shown in persistent EV infection of the heart, persistent EV infection of the pancreas could lead to progressive tissue-specific dysfunction. The authors conclude that the early phase of type 1 diabetes is associated with low-grade EV infection. They go on to suggest that the findings strengthen the need for studies exploring the potential benefits of enteroviral vaccines for individuals at high risk of developing type 1 diabetes and antiviral treatment for individuals in the early phase of type 1 diabetes