Young Investigator Award 2021

Oslo Diabetes Research Centre announces a Young Investigator Award for the best publication published between December 1, 2020 and December 1, 2021.

Oslo Diabetes Research Centre announces that it will honour a young scientist (39 years or younger by December 1, 2021) with NOK 30 000 for the best paper published in print or online between December 1, 2020 and December 1, 2021.

1. The selection committee is the ODF Steering group, complemented with external reviewers if deemed necessary by the group.

2. The candidate will be an active member of ODF and should be the first author of the paper.

3. Clinical, epidemiological and basic research with particular relevance for diabetes may qualify for the prize.

4. The amount will be transferred to a research account and can be used for research, scientific travelling or similar purposes aimed to strengthen the candidate’s scientific achievements.

5. An application for the award sent by the candidate, including the candidate’s date of birth, should be sent together with a pdf copy of the paper electronically to Nina Maagaard Holm to arrive no later than December 7, 2021.

6. The award winner will be notified within 1 week after the application deadline and asked to give a 5 min presentation of the work awarded at the ODF Christmas Lunch, December 16.