Photos: Øystein Horgmo, UiO and NIPH
Photos: Øystein Horgmo, UiO and NIPH
The Dam Foundation, one of Norway's largest health-focused charities, is offering substantial funding for diabetes research through the Norwegian Diabetes Association. Researchers can apply for up to NOK 1,500,000 via the Dam Development program and up to NOK 3,000,000 through the Dam Research program.
Explore the inspiring journey and groundbreaking research of Knut Dahl-Jørgensen, who has dedicated over 20 years to uncovering viruses as a cause of type 1 diabetes.
A study, published in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology in November 2024, presents findings from a longitudinal analysis of more than 100,000 children with type 1 diabetes, using data from eight national and one international pediatric diabetes registries. Covering the period from 2013 to 2022, the study focuses on changes in HbA1c levels, treatment regimens, and acute complications, highlighting the positive impact of advancements in diabetes technology.
Oslo Diabetes Research Centre is excited to announce that we are now open for applications for funding dedicated to providing time for researchers to work on applications for research funding. This program is designed to assist researchers in freeing up time from their regular work duties, allowing them to concentrate on preparing applications for significant external research grants.
Forekomsten av diabetes øker over hele verden, og 14. november markeres verdens diabetesdag. En ny studie i The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, viser at antall nye tilfeller av både diabetes type 1 og type 2 blant unge voksne ikke går ned, og i mange land fortsetter å øke.
The Swedish Child Diabetes Foundation (Barndiabetesfonden), dedicated to supporting research aimed at preventing, curing, or alleviating diabetes in children and adolescents, has announced the opening of its 2025 research grant applications.
DD2 - Danish Centre for Strategic Research in type 2 diabetes has announced an upcoming research seminar. This seminar will guide attendees on how to leverage the unique DD2 cohort for their research and secure funding for their projects through the Novo Nordisk Foundation.
Noen mennesker får ikke bedret insulinfølsomhet av trening, til tross for økt VO2max og muskelstyrke. Serumproteomikk og maskinlæring kan brukes til å forutsi hvem dette gjelder, noe som på sikt kan gi bedre persontilpasset behandling.
En nylig publisert studie utforsker de molekylære effektene av en 12-ukers intervensjon med en kombinasjon av styrke- og utholdenhetstrening.
A new paper authored by Professor Knut Dahl-Jørgensen explores the potential link between viral infections and the onset of type 1 diabetes.
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