PhD dispuations 2019
Gunn-Helen Øiseth Moen
Genetic and environmental etiology of glucose metabolism and cardiometabolic traits during pregnancy and in later life
Kristine Bech Holte
Coronary artery disease and musculoskeletal complications in long-term survivors of type 1 diabetes: Associations with long-term glycation, oxidation and lipid markers
Simen W. Schive
Islet allotransplantation in Norway and the potential of adipose tissue-derived stromal cells to improve islet survival
Paz Lopez-Doriga Ruiz
Influenza, Immunization and Diabetes - the DiaFlu study
Marit Elizabeth von Düring
Associations between visceral fat, post transplant diabetes and arterial stiffness in kidney transplant recipients
Ole Elvebakk
Hypoglycaemia detection with non-invasive sensors