Group description: 

The group has four main research areas. The first is the ethiology and prevention of type 1 diabetes and autoimmune diseases, especially focusing on the role of viruses and the interaction With the immune system in pancreatic and thyroid tissue samples. The second area is diabetes late complications. We have long term clinical studies on microvascular complications and the influence of glycemic control and advanced glycation. Recently the risk of early atherosclerosis in type 1 diabetes has been the focus in several of our studies, with measurement of vessel wall thickness (IVUS, IMT, MRI) and vessel elasticity, and biochemical markers, as well as clinical data and risk factors.
In our large, nationwide clinical studies, now as part of the Childhood Diabetes Registry, we focus on important issues as intensified insulin treatment and pumps, diabetic nephropathy, diet, physical activity, quality of life and psychosocial problems and eating disturbances


Etiology and prevention of type 1 diabetes and autoimmune diseases:

  1. Diabetes Virus Detection Project (DiViD)

  2. Diabetes Virus Detection and Intervention trial (DiViDInt)

  3. Viruses, genetics and autoimmunity in thyroiditis. A biopsy study.

  4.  INNODIA study 

Diabetes late complications:

  1. Atherosclerosis in Childhood Diabetes – a population-based, prospective study.

  2. Long term vascular changes in type 1 diabetes – Clinical aspects and biological markers – 30 years follow-up of the Oslo Study

  3. Advanced glycation of proteins and vascular complications in childhood diabetes

  4. HDL cholesterol function in type 1 diabetes

Clinical diabetes:

  1. Collaboration with the Norwegian Childhood Diabetes Registry. A nationwide prospective population-based study for research and quality improvement by means of benchmarking.                 

  2. Children and adolescents with diabetes - present state and future possibilities - A population-based study of factors affecting competences and treatment results in children and adolescents with Type I diabetes.

  3. Eating disturbances in childhood diabetes.

Obesity and type 2 diabetes:

  1. Pathways contributing to childhood weight development and overweight in Norway. Sub-study of the Mother and Child National Cohort.

    Group members

    Aida Simeunovic, MD, PhD student

    Ida Maria Mynarek, MD, PhD student

    Therese Weider, MD, PhD student

    Kristin Namtvedt Tuv, MD, PhD student

    Lars Krogvold, MD, PhD, Assoc. Professor, paediatrician, postdoc

    Hanna Dis Margeirsdottir, MD, PhD, paediatrician, postdoc

    Martin Heier, MD, PhD, paediatrician, postdoc

    Line Wisting, PhD, M.Psychol. postdoc

    Dag Helge Frøisland, MD, PhD, paediatrician, postdoc

    Sara Hammerstad, MD, PhD, endocrinologist, postdoc

    Unni Mette Køpp, MD, PhD, paediatrician, postdoc

    Nina Veiby Taarnhøy, MD, PhD, postdoc

    Trine Roald, R.N.

    June Engebretsen, R.N.

    Jon Haug, Dr.Philos, clinical psychologist.

    Kari Anne Sveen, MD, PhD, consultant